Friday 5 May 2023

Hekla Lava

This article will be published on my website in due course 

Hines Homeopathy

Hekla lava is a homoeopathic remedy sourced from the lava of the volcano with the same name in Iceland. 

This volcanic ash consists of lime, silica, alumina, magnesia and a few oxides of iron.

Through the homoeopathic potentisation process (a technique that renders crude substances therapeutically effective), the substance is transformed into Hecla lava, a highly valuable homoeopathic medicine.

It was observed that sheep and other animals gazing around the slopes of the volcano Hekla developed conspicuously frequent bony growths and deformations as well as growths on the temporomandibular joints. 

This medicine is of great clinical significance in treating complaints related to teeth, jaw, bones and also facial neuralgia as well as joint problems.

The volcanic lava used in the preparation of the homoeopathic remedy Hekla Lava -  and not the ashes - can have a positive effect on our organism, because in the lava we find that the lava contains silicon dioxide for solid bones.

The assumption that the diseases are due to lava stone and the grass growing on it laid the foundation for the homoeopathic preparation Hekla lava. 

It is based on the similarity principle of homoeopathy after founder Samuel Hahnemann: "Similar may be cured by something similar.” 

From “likes cure likes” and the homoeopathic potentiation of Hekla lava, the remedy proving, the use of the remedy in clinical settings, it has been observed Hekla lava is an important remedy for arthritis. 

The guiding symptoms for Hekla Lava

The homoeopath will alway first determine the patient's physical and mental condition before recommending a remedy. 

Since homoeopathy is a highly inidvidualised system of medicine, for instance, not everyone who suffers from arthritis of the knee will be prescribed the same homeopathic remedy. 

Homeopathic prescriptions is always individualised and based on the whole patient's characteristics.

Besides symptoms related to joint complaints, Hekla Lava can present growths of all kinds.

The following mental and emotional symptoms can also be seen in patients:

  • Lack of zest for life and motivation, lack of drive, sluggishness
  • Pronounced concentration difficulties
  • Absence, confusion
  • Hopelessness, depressive mood
  • Desire to be alone

The symptoms of patients are improved by

  • Warmth,
  • Distraction and
  • Movement.

The symptoms of patients are aggravated:

  • in the morning after awakening and
  • be observed during the first movements.

Other scopes of  Hekla lava

  • Osteoarthritis and related pain in the joints (increased when carrying, lifting, and moving)
  • Osteoarthritis and related pain in the joints (increased when carrying, lifting, and moving)
  • Sharp pains in the joints made worse by cold, stiffness in the knee and other joints
  • Pain in the back, which can radiate up to the head, arms and legs; painful, tense back muscles
  • Gum abscess (pus accumulation) or fistulas (purulent ducts) on the gums
  • Difficult teething
  • Tooth removal (tooth extraction) and delayed healing after dental treatment (for example, Hekla lava can prevent inflammation after root canal treatment)
  • Tendency to caries(tooth decay)
  • Toothache and gingivitis
  • Abscess of the jaw
  • Bony growths, for example, on the jaw or tibia
  • Dry skin
  • Oppressive and chronic headache
  • Burning and red eyes
  • Swelling and hardening of the glands
  • Constant hunger
  • Bone diseases such as malignant bone tumours, bone inflammation (ostitis), periostitis and bone growths (exostoses)
  • Bone necrosis (death of the bone)
  • Decrease in bone density (also of the jawbone)
  • Bone cysts
  • Heel spur (bony outgrowth on the bone of the heel)
  • Fistula after operation of the mastoid (part of the temporal bone in the skull)
  • Rickets
  • Swollen glands

Sunday 30 April 2023

Asthma and Homoeopathy

 This article will soon be published on Hines Homeopathy

Homoeopathic treatment has proven to be successful for asthmatic patients; however, it is important to remember that a severe attack can lead to fatality. Therefore, care must be taken when monitoring and treating the condition, following established orthodox guidelines of good practice.  “Attacks” of asthma tend to occur at night due to mucus buildup in the airways with lying down.

Asthma is an ailment that affects breathing, characterised by a reversible narrowing of the airways.

There is an inclination to label asthma as a definite diagnosis when in reality it is a range of conditions, wherein transient narrowing of the small airways is the major symptom. This physiological phenomenon can be attributable to a variety of causes, such as allergy, infection, change in temperature, emotional upsets, smoke and other factors such as physical and/or psycho-neuroendocrine rooted. This suggests that the systems controlling such inconsistent responses in the lungs are complex.

Genetics may be a major contributor to asthma in some people. Children of mothers who took paracetamol on most days or every day during the last trimester of pregnancy are likely to be more prone. On the other hand, children brought up in overly clean conditions may also carry an increased risk. Yet, early exposure to mycobacteria has been linked to a lower incidence of asthma. Antibiotic use in babies may also be a cause for the development of allergies and other conditions.  (

It is essential to monitor asthma treatment carefully. A homoeopathic practitioner and/or doctor can help determine if the issue is more likely rooted in an allergy, infection, or other systemic issues. Blood tests and skin-prick allergy testing may be tools that proved to be beneficial when assessing the root cause.

Responses to environmental factors such as heat, cold, humidity and exercise; cycles related to stress, menstrual phases, drugs, inhalants, sleep/waking and the seasons can all be important factors in diagnosing asthma and its treatment and devise a treatment plan which can include several remedies prescribed over time but one remedy prescribed at a time.

Homoeopathy can be beneficial in diminishing acute exacerbations of the condition, as well as addressing its underlying causes, which decreases the odds of having another episode of asthma in the future.  For homoeopathic treatment to be effective, it is important to work with a qualified practitioner and to remain committed to the course of treatment in order for it to be effective.

Homoeopathy does not employ a generic remedy for all; instead, it operates on the principle of finding the right medicine to match your unique symptoms.  

Here are examples of three remedies ( out of many ) that can help with asthma:

Arsenicum album: People needing Arsenicum album often experience an attack between midnight and 3 am, feeling relieved when sitting up. Restlessness and anxiety are usually present, accompanied by a burning feeling in the lungs. When coughing up mucus it will usually appear frothy.

Kali Carbonicum: Individuals who may benefit from Kali carbonicum suffer from asthma which often gets worse between 2 am and 4 am. Characteristics of these individuals include being practical and level-headed, yet may be touchy and don't enjoy solitude. Furthermore, breathlessness can be accompanied by palpitations, for which the asthma is often alleviated by sitting up or leaning forwards.

Natrum Sulphuricum: In cases of people where asthma worsens in damp weather. Its symptoms include a rattling sound in the chest, coughing, and profuse secretion of thick and ropy mucus with a greenish tinge. Furthermore, it is useful for asthma attacks that occur after physical exertion. 

It also provides considerable relief for morning asthma attacks at around 4-5 am, accompanied by chest soreness on coughing and glairy expectoration. Additionally, it is widely employed to manage asthma in children as well as difficulty in breathing while walking which becomes less severe with rest.

To wrap it up, according to an important study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, there was no difference in asthma or morning breath rates between individuals who use their corticosteroid medications daily (continuous) as prescribed and those who use them intermittently. This study suggests that daily use of corticosteroids may not be necessary and this is good news as these medications have some serious side effects. These long-term side effects include a 1 inch reduction in height per year in children and loss of bone density later in life. (Source:

In a scientific research, published in 2019, a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted evaluating the effectiveness of individualised homoeopathy on bronchial asthma in adults (Source:

This study examined whether usual care plus individualised homoeopathy can produce significantly different treatment effects compared to usual care plus placebo in adults suffering from bronchial asthma.

The researchers' conclusion was:

Patients who received usual care and individualised homoeopathy produced significantly better effects than The usual care and placebo in this study, indicating that homoeopathy appeared superior to placebo.

I offer a 15-minute to talk about your treatment.  You can get in touch here to discuss how I can help you.

Read further: What Homeopathy is not

Read : Testimonials

Read  Difference Between Acute and Chronic Illness

Monday 17 April 2023

Benzoic Acid, Joints Diseases and Gout

This article will soon be posted on Hines Homeopathy

Benzoic acid - Wikipedia

Benzoic Acid is an effective homoeopathic medicine that originates from benzoic acid, which is derived from gum benzoin or aromatic hydrocarbons. 

It is prepared homeopathically by arousing the latent medicinal properties of its crude form and has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of gout and certain urinary issues.

As with all homoeopathic prescriptions, the professional homeopath chooses a remedy based on the similarity of symptoms between the patient’s mental/psychological, emotional and physical symptoms and the remedy symptoms.

Benzoic acid patients tend to be prone to dwell on unpleasant things in the past. Omits words in writing. Depression. A child that needs Benzoic acid wants to be nursed in the arms, and will not be laid down.

The most marked characteristic pertains to the odour and colour of the urine of the patient. The urine is highly offensive (foul-smelling) urine like the urine of horses. The urine is also hot and dark brown.

Benzoic acid is known for having a marked action on metabolism. It produces and cures symptoms of predisposition to uric acid, with urine highly coloured and very offensive, and gouty symptoms. Tendency to gout, an inflammatory condition in joints caused by elevated uric acid. 

It is a high-grade homeopathic remedy for Gout. Gout presents itself with an inflamed, painful, red, swollen and warm joint due to increased uric acid levels.

This article will only concentrate on Benzoic acid and its relation to joint complaints.

Clinical Indications: Gout, toe pain, and knee pain can be accompanied by bunions, ganglion, or even foul-smelling urine, bed-wetting kidney stones, kidney disorders, diarrhoea, and asthma.

Extremities: Joints crack on motion. Tearing with stitches. Pain in the  Achilles tendon. Rheumatic gout; nodes very painful. Gouty deposits. Ganglion; swelling of the wrist. Pain and swelling in knees. Bunion of great toe. Tearing pain in great toe.

Keynote  Characteristics of Benzoic Acid

The patient needs Benzoic acid jas joint inflammation caused by high uric acid levels. 

The strong offensive smell in the urine is a high indicator symptom of its use.

Gout is a form of arthritis which affects the joints, causing immense pain and swelling. It tends to affect the big toes in particular and can have an incredibly debilitating effect on day-to-day life. Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood and successful treatment involves homoeopathic remedies to reduce those levels.

For instance, it works well when the joints are red, swollen, and sensitive to the touch. When moving, the joints make a cracking sound. High uric acid levels cause painful nodes to develop on joints. 

Benzoic acid is also recommended for knee joint pain and swelling. It is also beneficial for swelling in the fingers and elbow joints.

For the treatment of specific ailments, Benzoic acid works effectively in complaints that occur in limbs.

Key Symptoms of Benzoic Acid

1. Inflamed Gout to increased uric acid levels

2. Gout with red, swollen and sensitive joints 

3. Pain and swelling in the big toe and knee

4. Highly offensive, putrid urine with a smell as strong as that of horse urine

Indication features

1. Ganglion of wrist

2. Bunion (bony bump on the joint at the base of big toe)

3. Pain in Achilles Tendon

Ganglion, is a rounded lump filled with jelly-like fluid that frequently appears on the back of the wrist. It can appear suddenly and can be either painful or painless. These small bumps are usually harmless and do not require treatment. However, if it causes discomfort or affects the movement of your wrist, you may consider having it surgically removed.

A bunion is a deformity or bony growth of the big toe joint which causes it to deviate towards the smaller toes. It is a common condition that affects many people and can cause pain, discomfort, and difficulty with walking. They are bony bumps that form on the joint at the base of your big toe. 

These bumps can be uncomfortable and may grow over time, potentially leading to further complications if not treated. Benzoic acid is highly indicated for tearing discomfort in the big toe. There is also swelling of the big toe.

The right-side toe is most commonly affected in cases where Benzoic Acid is necessary.

Benzoic acid also relieves pain in the  Achilles tendon, a strong fibrous band that joins the calf muscle at the rear of the leg to the heel bone.

The discomfort/pain in Benzoic acid, starts on the right side and then shifts to the left in the Benzoic acid remedy picture and patient. Standing or walking makes it worse since it puts weight on the foot. 

In cases needing Benzoic acid, the patient may also present cold feet with cold perspiration. Benzoic acid is a key remedy for the treatment of panaritium, an infection or tissue inflammation with pus development around the fingernail.

General Modalities of Benzoic Acid: 

Worse by cold temperatures, physical activity, atmospheric changes and lack of clothing on the chest during the winter months.

Better: Heat and copious urination can alleviate complaints.

Complaints: From Right to Left

Gouty complaints/discomfort worsens at night. 

Read further about Silica and Joint Diseases

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This article is intended purely for educational purposes, and the reader should make their own enquiries and seek out the guidance of a medical professional.

Silica and Joints Complaints

This article will soon be posted on Hines Homeopathy

What is Silica, Where is it Found and What are the Top Silica Benefits

Silica is derived from the element Si, sand, a chemically inert substance in its natural form, which is an excellent example of how the homeopathic potentisation method can activate inert substances such as silica into an effective wonderful deep acting remedy.

When choosing a homoeopathic remedy for a patient, the homoeopath checks whether the patient's personality corresponds to certain characteristics.

When choosing Silica, the homoeopath checks for intelligent but not confident, shy but firm, gentle but strong-willed, efficient but nervous, stubborn but shy, and selfish but gentle.

A person who needs Silica may be sensitive to cold wind and have immunologically and hormonally-mediated diseases such as frequent infections, colds, coughs, tonsilitis, skin complaints, hair loss and arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis to name a few.

Silica is an example of a polycrest homoeopathic remedy (works for many conditions, used for a broad range of disease processes) that is useful for children, adults and the elderly.

The person who will benefit from Silica is chilly; his symptoms are developed in cold, damp weather, though often better in cold, dry weather; symptoms come out after a bath. The mental state is peculiar. 

The patient also lacks stamina. What Silica is to the stalk of, grain in the field, it is to the human mind. Take the glossy, stiff, outer covering of a stalk of grain and examine it, and you will realise with what firmness it supports the head of grain until it ripens; there is a gradual deposit of Silica in it to give it stamina. So it is with the mind; when the mind needs Silica it is in a state of weakness, embarrassment, dread, state of yielding.

At the physical level, the Silica element is at the basis of many of our bodies’ physiological processes such as collagen formation and growth.

Collagen is the tough fibrous material that holds us together and the base material for cartilage, tendon, bone, blood vessels, teeth, skin, glands, and the formation and basis of organs in general.

Silica plays a significant role in the formation and maintenance of strong bones, as it forms the collagen matrix used for calcium deposition. This relationship is vital: without both calcium and silica, bone cannot be built effectively.

They all need and contain collagen in one form or another as the basis, the matrix upon which the tissues are formed. In our younger years, the content of silica in our bodies is high and the bones and joints are very flexible. Our skin is soft and radiant.

Silica is also in the composition of the synovial liquid lubricating the joints since the synovial liquid has collagenases as one of its components and therefore has Silica.

Silica is necessary for healthy and normal growth maintenance, on a broad spectrum of maladies from youth through middle and old age.

Often times the root cause is not a lack of Silica, but Silica metabolism is not working properly, the assimilation of Silica needs support and homoeopathic is a great tool to set assimilation back to balance.

Consider the following ageing problems for a moment: osteoarthritis, brittle bones, hardening of the arteries, dry skin, an inability to digest food properly, weak teeth and gums, and atrophy of organs and you can see how Silica is important.

Silica and Joint Diseases

As long as the remedy fits the patient’s symptoms at mental/psychological and physical levels, Silica is indicated in the cases examples below:

-Rheumatism that runs in family, that is chronic rheumatism in which the pain is worse at night and from uncovering and is better for warmth. Ankles are also weak.

Arthritic knee pain - Silica is useful in curing knee pain in which the patient has the sensation of being tightly bound (constrictive pain) at all times.

Silica is also indicated in chronic inflammation of the knee joint in rheumatoid arthritis with great swelling with icy cold feet and sweat.

Tendon problems and nodosities such as bunions can also be helped by Silica.

General modalities in Silica:

Worse from the cold and new moon.

Pain: After intercourse, in heat and humidity, in the shoulder after taking cold in the area, in the bones of the fingers, some fingers with ulcerative in their tips, especially the index.

Pain in feet when walking, tips are painful. Stiffness in hips, knees and ankles. Contracture of the flexor muscles of the hand, with great pain to move the fingers.

Check the Testimonials from patients

Read on the difference between Acute and Chronic diseases

This article is intended purely for educational purposes, and the reader should make their own enquiries and seek out the guidance of a medical professional.

Hekla Lava

This article will be published on my website in due course  Hines Homeopathy Hekla lava is a homoeopathic remedy sourced from the lava of t...