Saturday 1 August 2020

Bach Flowers Remedies as Helping Tools for Psychological Impact of Lockdown

A 2020 study in The Lancet has showed that enforced quarantine can definitely cause psychological effects and stress including post-traumatic stress like symptoms, confusion, anxiety, anger and anxiety-induced insomnia. Some researchers and homeopaths have suggested that these effects will be long-lasting.

" Quarantine is often an unpleasant experience for those who undergo it. Separation from loved ones, the loss of freedom, uncertainty over disease status, and boredom can, on occasion, create dramatic effects. Suicide has been reported, substantial anger generated, and lawsuits brought following the imposition of quarantine in previous outbreaks. The potential benefits of mandatory mass quarantine need to be weighed carefully against the possible psychological costs.” 

The reality is that the majority of the population is now suffering emotionally and psychological from forced  COVID-19 lockdown and its branching lockdown measures. 

The consequences varies from individual to individual  but the common thread between them is  high amount of  anxiety and fear. 

The fear itself is not just about COVID-19 virus  and main stream media constant fear mongering  but also related to:  being separated  from family and friends, loss of income, fear of being alone, fear, anxiety and worry about what the future has in store, anxiety about one's loved ones and so much more. 

Each person dealt or is still dealing with the quarantine measures in their own way depending on their personal circumstances and personality. Some people took or still take it in their stride and view it as an opportunity to rest, others felt or is feeling  intense anxiety and even hopelessness and others  felt or are still feeling anger  about the enforced restriction of our freedom. For some people the quarantine has lasted far too long and these people are into almost into their 5th month of quarantine. 

My family, I, friends and my own patients have experienced some of these emotion in recent weeks, which have been alleviated by using flower remedies and homeopathy. 

It is possible to reduce our fears and anxieties using homeopathy and flower remedies. Below are pointers to flower remedies that you may find helpful.  However, I find that the results are better when the remedies are selected based upon a clients individualised  state. 

Bach Flower Remedies can be blended together. They are also extremely safe and easy to take. For blending just add 3 drops of each indicated remedy to a bottle of water and sip it throughout the day.


The Druids believe Aspen to represent courage and endurance. For vague unknown fears, for which there can be no reason or explanation. Sudden attacks of anxiety, inexplicable fears and apprehensions, nightmares – wakes in fear & panic, imagination running wild , children don’t want to be alone or sleep in the dark 

Cherry Plum

Fear of being over-strained, of reason giving way. Fear of losing control, of doing fearful and dreaded  things not wished or known wrong, desperate and feeling as if one is about to have a nervous breakdown, sudden uncontrolled outbreaks of rage

Rock Rose

For situation or cses one feels there is no hope. Terrified. Sudden escalating fears and anxieties, panic stricken, terror, panic due to nightmares.


Certain particular  fears and anxieties:  of illnesses, pain, poverty, fear for the future, misfortune, of being alone with tendency to secretly bear their dread and not speaking freely of it to others.

Sweet Chestnut

Anguish is so great as to seem unbearable. Extreme despair. Feelings that the utmost limit of endurance has been reached. Feels completely lost inside, helpless and in total isolation, “dark night of the soul”, feeling as if there is only chaos and destruction. Hopelessness. Fear of breaking down under stress. Feels like you are going to explode or do irrational things. 


Feeling vulnerable. Resistance to change. Resistance and difficulty adjusting to a change in circumstances, an unexpected outside event forces one to rethink one’s whole approach to life.

White Chestnut

Troubling constant thoughts going round and round, sleeplessness due to thoughts, constant mental chatter, dwelling on particular thoughts.

And for course finally:

Bach Rescue Remedy: Help any stressful situation where you need to be able to collect yourself and be in charge of your emotions.

Next article I will deal with some homeopathic remedies as pointers for general emotional help related to COVID-19 and enforced lockdown and its ramification measures.

Hekla Lava

This article will be published on my website in due course  Hines Homeopathy Hekla lava is a homoeopathic remedy sourced from the lava of t...